1685 11 30 : Monmouth Rebellion rebels shipped to Jamaica

30 Nov 1685. MONMOUTH REBELLION REBELS SHIPPED TO JAMAICA. An incredibly rare Bill of Lading for 35 convicted rebels to be transported to Jamaica. Light damp staining in the centre of the document, and a tiny hole in centre fold, but otherwise a magnificent document, in very fine condition for its great age, easily readable. 12” x 15”. The Monmouth Rebellion of 1685, also known as the Pitchfork Rebellion, was an attempt to overthrow James II, who had become King of England at the death of his elder brother Charles II on 06 Feb 1684/5. James II was unpopular because he was Roman Catholic. James SCOTT, 1st Duke of Monmouth, the eldest illegitimate son of Charles II, claimed to be rightful heir to the throne and attempted to displace James II. The rebellion ended with the defeat of Monmouth’s forces at the Battle of Sedgmoor on 06 Jul 1685. Monmouth was executed for treason on 15 Jul 1685, and many of his supporters were executed or transported following the “Bloody Assizes” presided over by Lord Chief Justice George JEFFREYS. Shipped by ye Grace of God in good Order by Christopher WINTERINGHAM of ye Tower of London for Accs. & Risque of Sr Christopher MUSGRAVE Knt on & upon ye Good Shipp or Vessel called the Jamaican Merchant of London whereof is Master under God for this Present Voyage Charles GARDINER & now Rideing at Anchor in Portland Roade and by God’s Grace bound for Jamaica To Say, the number of Thirty and five Passengers being all men convicted for being in ye Late Rebellion. Names as followeth, vizt. William EDWARDS John FOWLER Senr Matthew POTLE James COMBE John FOWLER Junr George ROBERTSON John HOOPER William TAPSCOTT John METYARD John SMITH James SOPER Henry HAMET Robert SHOESMITH Thomas HOWELL James GALLOP John FINNIMORE Peter SHIRLAND John WOODWARD John FURBER John GARDINER William SELLWOOD Thomas BRAY Humphrey SANDERS Matthew ELLIOT William GOODLAND John BUTFIELD John JONES Hugh GILL Edward EVES John BAGWELL Thomas CROSSE Thomas DEBNAM Nathaniel MUSGRAVE Giles CRANE William PAGE And are to be delivered in like good Order at ye aforesaid Port of Jamaica, Mortality & ye Danger of ye Seas excepted unto Capt Simon MUSGRAVE or to his Assignes, He or they paying Twenty two peeces of Eight per head within Twenty days for all shall be delivered at Jamaica. In Witness whereof the Master or Mate of ye said Shipp hath affirmed to Three Bills of Ladeing all of this Tenure and Date: One of wh. being accomplished, The other Two to stand voyd, and so God send ye Good Shipp to her desired Port in safety. Amen. Dated in Weymouth this thirtieth day of November 1685. Memorandm. ye words (in like good Order) were rased before signeing. [signed] Cha: GARDNER
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