1676 04 22 : Two receipts regarding sale of Kepier near Durham

22 Apr 1676. TWO RECEIPTS REGARDING SALE OF KEPIER NEAR DURHAM. Two receipts concerning the sale of Kepier Estate near Durham, one personally signed by the artist Sir Ralph COLE, 2nd baronet of Brancepeth. COLE had to dispose of Kepier in 1674 to Sir Christopher MUSGRAVE of Carlisle, later 4th baronet of Edenhall, as he had spent most of his family’s fortune on art and the patronage of artists. Novembr ye 27th 1675 Recd. then from ye hands of Mr } Nicho~ SALVIN by ye appoyntmt of Sr Chr~ } £ MUSGRAVE ye just Sume of one Hun= } =dred pounds of Currant moneyes } 100 wh is in partt of Sr Chr~ last paymt } for Kepyer, = & alsoe this 14th Janry } /75/ ye sume of Twenty Eight pounds } 028 like wise in part of ye sd last paymt } & the 1st of March (75) ye sume of } one Hundred & two & Twenty pounds } 122 likewise in part of ye sd last paymt } Aprill the 17th 1676 Recd alsoe from ye sd Mr Nicho~ } SALVIN the just sume of nine Hundred } pounds in part likewise of ye afore= } 900 sd last payment for Kepyer all } wh sumes aforesd amounting to ye } sume of 1150£ I say Recd in } all as wittnesse my hand & sealle the day } ———— & yeare last above written } 1150 Aprill: 22th / 76: [signed] Ralph COLE [seal] Witnessed By [signed] Thomas COLE [signed] John JEFFERSON md./ that there is yet remaining the sum~ of fiftye pounds due uppon this last paymt } of the purchase monyes for Kepyer, wch } £ is to bee disposed as shall fall out uppon acct } 50 stated betwen Sr Ra~ COLE & Sr Chr: MUSGRAVE } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Received the 26th. of December 1675 of Sr. Christpher } MUSGRAVE Knight by the hands of Mr. Nicholas SALVING } the Summe of twenty five pounds of lawfull money of } £ England being for the Interest of two hundred pounds } 25 lent upon a Mortgage upon certaine Lands at Keepier unto } Sr. Ralph COLE Baronet by Sr. Gilbert GERARD and my selfe wh. } Interest was for two yeares ending at Martinmas last past I } say received } [signed] Miles STAPYLTON
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