1662 09 19 : Dismissal of Kirkby Kendal Aldermen

19 Sep 1662. DISMISSAL OF KIRKBY KENDAL ALDERMEN. A good neat, fairly clean, mostly readable document, a bit aged on the back. Pertaining to the dismissal and replacement of five Aldermen of the borough of Kirkby Kendal who did not comply with the “Act for the well Governeinge and regulateinge of Corporations”. The document is a 17th century copy of the Memorandum. Copy of yt memdm. touchinge Replaceinge & displaceinge certaine officers in Kendall ————————————- In the yeare 60 ——————— publick concenes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Septembr the 19th 1662 Westmorland } Memdm that John ARCHER George ARCHER John WASHINGTON Ss } Myles HARRISON and James COCK being Aldrmen of the Burrow of Kirkby Kendall in the County aforesaid the 24th of Decembr last past, are hereby discharged and declared to be outed of their said offices by the Kings Maj~ties Comissonrs for Repitinge [?] in Execution of an Act of Parliamt Entitled an Act for the well Governeinge and regulateinge of Corporations John ARCHER for refuseinge to Subscribe, John WASHINGTON for the like, George ARCHER for refuseinge to subscribe and denieinge all the oaths Myles HARRISON and James COCK for yt. they are not rendrd. by the Comissonrs. Capable to beare the said offices. And the said Comissonrs. have appointed John PARKE Isaack KNIPE John BECK Hugh FORTH and Thomas TURNER to supply the vacant places of the severall persons displaced as aforesaid foure of wch That is to say the s~d John PARKE John BECK Hugh FORTH and Thomas TURNER have taken the oathes and Subscribed accordinge to the said Act, And the said Isaack KNIPE refused to take the oathes or sub= scribe after he was nominated Aldrman as aforesaid. Wittnes or. hands and seales the day & yeare above [signed] Philip MUSGRAVE [signed] Geo: FLETCHER [signed] John LOWTHER [signed] Allan BELLINGHAM [signed] Dan: FLEEMINGE [signed] James BURKETT [signed] Walter STRIKLAND [signed] Jo: OTWAY