1705 06 22 : Receipt for Rector of Crosby Garrett’s stipend

22 Jun 1705. RECEIPT FOR RECTOR OF CROSBY GARRETT’S STIPEND. A very neat receipt. 8” x 3”. Mr. FORSTER Rector of Crosby Garrett Receipt for £ – s – d 2 – 13 – 4 due att Whitson Last ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ June ye. 22d. 1705 Received then of the Honored Sr. Christopher MUSGRAVE } Baronett two poundes thirteen Shillings and fowerpence } £ s d due att Whitsontid Last to Mr. Joseph FORSTER Rector } 02 : 13 : 4 of Crosby Garrett I Say Recd for his Use } per me [signed] Will. CLARK.
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