1776 03 04 : Legal advice letter regarding a poaching case

04 Mar 1776. LEGAL ADVICE LETTER REGARDING A POACHING CASE. A very interesting pre stamp Legal Advice cover from Carlisle. Content regarding rabbit poaching and the punishment thereafter. With a CARLISLE straight line on the back. A bit grubby with a seal hole and file fold. [Large straight stamp] CARLISLE To Mr. DOBSON at Edenhall ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear Sir / I was favoured with yours of the 27th. Feb: - I have been considering the Game Laws in General and those for the preservation of Conies and have Stated Sir Philip MUSGRAVEs Case as well as I can but as I am a Stranger to some of the Facts you will please to set them right. It appears that your Idle Neighbours intend to deprive Sir Philip of the Benefit of his warren therefore it may [not] be amiss to be advised how to conduct the present Business and how to act in future. But if you Judge that the Case (after you have settled the Facts) shod. not be sent to Sir Philip to be laid before Mr. WALLACE or whom else he pleases, for directions, we must do the best we can at the Sessions. Had your people waited till the offenders had taken or killed a Coney in the night time – upon Conviction at the Assizes the Punishment is Transportation, Whipping, Fine or Imprisonment. You ask if all your people concerned must appear at the Sessions – all that are Bounden over must appear – and also those who can give Evidence in favour of those bounden over or Evidence against the offenders. I will be glad to see the Case after you have settled the Facts. The Sessions begin Wednesday 17th. April. It will be right for yourself, and all your people to be here the Evening before. I am Dear Sir / Your very hble Servant [signed] Stuart Ja GRAHAM [In a different handwriting] Carlisle 4th. Mar: 1776. Q. When CARTWRIGHTs Deputation was inrolled The Dogs were generally bred between a Cur as we apprehend & a Greyhound or some Cross Strain wch. we call Lurchers – Whether A Warrant must be got for GREEN & Son before ye Sessions –
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