1887 03 21 : Rat killer’s wages

21 Mar 1887. RAT KILLER’S WAGES. A neat and clean printed receipt with a Postage & Inland Revenue one-penny stamp. 4” x 7”. Hand written entries into this printed form are transcribed in italics. Estates’ Office, Edenhall, Penrith, March 21st. 1887. Received from the Trustees of the late SIR R. C. MUSGRAVE, BART., M.P., by payment of Mr. Thos. BOWSTEAD, the Sum of Five Pounds, —— Shillings, and —— Pence, being payment for ½ year’s Rat-Killing, to Dec: 25. 1886. £ 5 . 0 . 0 . [signed] John KENDALL
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