1735 02 19 : Receipt for 92 bushels of malt for Edenhall

Update on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 at 6:17PM by
Petra Mitchinson

19 Feb 1734/5. RECEIPT FOR 92 BUSHELS OF MALT FOR EDENHALL. A very neat receipt. 4” x 6”. 19th. Febry. 1734. Recd. of Sr. Chr: MUSGRAVE Bart. for the use of Mr. Ino. BROWN per ye Hands of Chr: DOBSON the Sume of twenty pounds in part for 92 Bush: of Malt deliver’d at Edenhall for whose use I say recd. per me [signed] Thomas [?] LITTLE Witness. [signed] Ino. COWPER
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