1754 09 30 : Detailed account for Birkett Grove mine

30 Sep 1754. DETAILED ACCOUNT FOR BIRKETT GROVE MINE. A very neat detailed account. 12” x 7”. Pay Bill at the Grove for a quarter till Michaelmas 1754 £ s d £ = S = D Edmd. COATS Ino: MASON & Partners – Getting 4¾ Bing of Ore already Smelted off at 1£:1s:0 } & 1¼ Unsmelted at Do: in all 6 Bing } 6 = 6 = – Driving 3 fathoms of Coaled Work up the field in } the lowest drift at 11s: per fathom } 1 = 13 = – 6 Shifts for 4 Miners at 10d: per Opening ye Swallow 1 = – = – 6 pods: of Candls: & 3 pods: of Gunpowdr: in blasting – = 5 = 5 2 Piggs out of the Bous Smiddam at 4s: per – = 8 = – A Quarters Waygates mending till Michs. 1754 1 = – = – 10 = 12 = 5 ———————- 28. Septr: 1754. Recd. of Sr. Ph: MUSGRAVE Bart: per Chr: DOBSON ten pounds twelve Shills: & five pence in full of the above by us [signed] Edmond COATS [signed] John MASON Anne FROST &c dressing 52 Fothr: of Slaggs at 10d: per 2 = 3 = 4 Washg: 4B:3H of Ore & 1 Horse of Smiddum at 1s:10d – = 9 = 2 2 = 12 = 6 ——————— 28th. Septr. 1754. Recd. of Sr. Ph: MUSGRAVE Bt. per Chr. DOBSON two pounds twelve Shills: & Six pence in full of the above by An: FROST’s X Mark Thos: RUDD’s Disburstmts: Carr: of 7¾ Bings of Ore at 4£:2s:7d, A thousd: Stoprice :2s: – = 4 = 7 Smeltg: 4F:14H:2Q of Ore at 6s: 1:8:6, Smeltg: lead Ore } 2 Shifts 0:7:0 } 1 = 15 = 6 Cuttg: & Carr: of 18dos.: of Gr. Timbr. :10:6, Smith Bill } till Michs: 0:5:8 } – = 16 = 2 2 B: of Lime & 1 load of Coals –:2:3, 32 Sacks of } Chopwd: 0:16:0 } – = 18 = 3 6 New Keebles & a Washg: Tub 1:5:0, Carr: of Ore } from Langg: – 3d ) 1 = 5 = 3 A Years Attendance on ye Grove till Michs. 1754 8 = 8 = – 13 = 7 = 9 ———————- 28. Septr. 1754. Recd. of Chr: DOBSON thirteen Shills: Pounds seven Shills: & nine pence in full of the above Disbmts: laid out by me [signed] Thom: RUDD Robt. HASTWEL Carriage of 35 Fother of Lead at 28s per 49 = – = – Recd. of Chr: DOBSON fortynine pounds in full of ye Above by [signed] Robt HASTWLL Charge of Surveying ye Grove for ye 2 Quarters last past 1 = 8 = 6 ——————- Total 77 = 1 = 2 ======== 30th: Septr: 1754. Placed to ye Accot: of Sr: Ph: MUSGRAVE Bt: Seventy seven pounds one Shillg: & two pence in full for ye above Disburstmts: on Accot: of ye Grove till Michaelmas 1754 laid out by me [signed] Chr. DOBSON
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