1792 06 09 : 01 : Expense account for surveying Hartley Demesne

09 Jun 1792 (1). EXPENSE ACCOUNT FOR SURVEYING HARTLEY DEMESNE. A neat and clean account and two receipts. Jona: OLDMAN’s Expences Surveying Hartley Demesne and Lockthwaite. 1792. May 12. Expences the first Week at the Kings Arms } £ S D Kirkbystephen Self and Horse } 1 – 12 – 10 Paid Ostelar, Chamber Maid, Barber &c. 0 – 4 – 0 May 26. Expences 2d. Week self and Horse 1 – 15 – 5 Servants as above 0 – 4 – 0 June 9. Expences 3d. Week self and Horse 1 – 6 – 1 Servants as above 0 – 4 – 0 John RAILTON assisting 14 days @: 18D 1 – 1 – 0 Edward THOMPSON Do. 14 Days @: 16 0 – 19 – 0 ——————— 7 – 6 – 4 ——————— 9th. June 1792. Placed to Sir Philip MUSGRAVEs Account Seven Pounds Six Shillings and four Pence for the above Expences [signed] Jona: OLDMAN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Received 6th. June 1792 of Sir Philip MUSGRAVE by Jona: OLDMAN one pound and one shilling for Assisting fourteen days Surveying Hartley Demesne and Lockthwaite farms at 18d per Day [signed] John RAILTON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Received 6th. June 1792 of Sir Philip MUSGRAVE by Jona: OLDMAN Nineteen Shillings for fourteen Days Assisting to Survey Hartley Demesne & Lockthwaite farms [signed] Edward THOMPSON