1796 02 19 : Letter regarding disputed land at Scuggar House

19 Feb 1796. LETTER REGARDING DISPUTED LAND AT SCUGGAR HOUSE. A privately carried letter with the ubiquitous file folds. Contents is about land disputed between Blackwell and Brisco, near Scuggar House. I. [or J.] IRWIN 19. Feby. 1796. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To Mr. Jona. OLDMAN at Eden Hall nigh Penrith Cumberland ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sir / I hope you will Excuse me for giving you this Trouble, this is to inform you that Mr. George BLAMIRE has found a scetch of a Plan and a Survey of Blackwell Common done by his Father, which makes out the Boundry Exactly Crossing at Scuggerhouses Hedge Nook at the high End of the Lane in Dispute between Blackwell & Brisco, it Shows very plain that the Common Ground within the Lane that Mr. LOSH sold to Mr. Ino. LOWRIE belongs to Brisco & not to Blackwell. I am Exceeding Happy to think that truth & Justice has Appear’d in my behalf when not one Single Proprietor would I had no Interest in the place but was willing to Defend a Just Cause as I beleiv’d it to be, by the Nature of my Ofice as Surveyor, and According to your Request we have Divided the Midle part betwixt us, about 56 Roods for Each party, and but when that was done Mr. LOSH wanted me to take all or half I did not Understand whether (he Bullied so) where he sold to Mr. LOWRIE & Calld me all the Damd Liers & Fools he could think on because I would not Consent to it, nor I never will if you think we have not taken Road Enough of Brisco people you may take more if you Please, Mr. BLAMIRE says not one Yard of it belongs to Blackwell, but I will abide by what I have agreed to 56 roods, I am your Hble. Sert. [signed] I. [or J.] IRWIN [written at right angles along left margin] Scuggerhouses 19th. Febry. 1796 Pray let me know your Answer to this Assoon as Convenient.