1796 02 27 : Letter regarding quality of slate

27 Feb 1796. LETTER REGARDING QUALITY OF SLATE. A pre stamp letter datelined Kirkby Stephen, with a very fine strike of the scarce BROUGH straight line. With the ubiquitous file fold. Contents regarding false statements circulating concerning the inferior quality of slate from a slate quarry. Mr. J. OLDMAN Edenhall Cumberland [straight stamp] BROUGH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kirkby Stephen 22 Feby. 1796 Sir Your letter dated the 15th Inst I have Receved and observed the Contents; I am not Surprised to find you a little diffident with Respect to my Slates; false Reports have been very Industriously Circulated; Jos* DAWSON told me, that he heard them Represented to be the same as those at Soulby, which nothing can be more false. the above aludes to Thos FOTHERGILL who has done me all the hurt in his power Since I took your quarys – the truth of the Matter is just this; My quary (like all others) have both good and bad in it; the durability depends on the Separation of them; in doing this, it was posible to be Mistaken in a Chance Stone at first opening the quary; but tis Not so Now; I can get them for you both sound strong & hard; so as to answer your purpose; Strong slate don’t look so Neat, but will not be an object in the present case; perticularly long Rigg. I have served Mr. MUNKHOUSE with Slate this 5 years with which he is well sattisfied; be Side Many others. With thanks to you for your favour I am Sir your obdt. & Humbl Servt [signed] Richd. FARADAY PS I shoud have answered you sooner but was from home when yours arrived

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