1795 11 30 : Two detailed legal fee accounts

30 Nov 1795. TWO DETAILED LEGAL FEE ACCOUNTS. A set of two lengthy, detailed and neat legal fee accounts. C. 140 R. 2. Edwd. GRAVE Attorney Law Charges 30 ~ 7 ~ 8 —————— 20. Octr. 1795 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sir John Chardin MUSGRAVE Bart. to Edward GRAVE Dr. 1794 January Several attendances on you on Conveyance } to be made of the Estate purchased by you } ~ 3 4 of Mr. WILLIAMSON at Edenhall } Drawing and Ingrossing Conveyance thereof 1 1 ~ Paid for Parchment and Duty ~ 8 2 Attending Execution thereof by Mr. WILLIAMSON ~ 3 4 1795 Perusing Title Deeds to the Estate purchased } by you of Mr. HASELLs Devisees, and Writing } ~ 6 8 Letters to you thereon } Postage of letters from you ~ 4 6 March Drawing and Ingrossing Conveyances by } Lease and Release from the Heir at Law and } Devisees of Edward HASELL Esqr. deceased } 4 4 ~ to you of the freehold part & Covenant to } Surrender the Copyhold part of Wood End Estate } Paid for parchment and Duty 1 11 3 Power of Attorney from you to Mr. OLDMAN } to be Admitted Tenant to Copyhold lands } and afterwards to Surrender the same to } ~ 16 6 Miss Julia HASELL } Power of Attorney for Miss Julia HASELL to } Mr. BOWMAN to Accept Admittance &c. } ~ 13 6 Paid Court fees on your Admission and } Surrender to Miss HASELL } ~ ~ ~ Fines and Fees your being Admitted } Tenant by Attorney as per Admittances } 6 11 ~ Fines and Fees your Surrender to Miss HASELL 6 15 7 Drawing and Ingrossing Mortgage by } Lease and Release of the freehold part of } this Estate from you to Miss Julia HASELL } 2 13 ~ with Covenant to Surrender the Copyhold } part for Securing to her 2000£ & Interest fo 53 } —————— £ 25 . 18 . 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ £ 25 . 18 . 6 Parchment and Duty 1 2 6 Drawing Schedule of Title Deeds to the } Estate to be delivered by you to Miss Julia } 1 6 8 HASELL for Brief Sheets } Two fair Copies thereof one to be delivered } To Miss HASELL along with the Deeds } the other with Accountable Receipt for } 1 6 8 her to sign to you } Writing letters and Postage upon the Bussiness ~ 6 8 Attending to Deliver the Deeds to Mr. } HASELL and Comparing the same } ~ 6 8 with the Schedules taking his Receipt } —————— £ 30 . 7 . 8 Received 20th. October 1795 of Sir John Chardin MUSGRAVE Bart the above 30 ~ 7 ~ 8. by payment of Mr. OLDMAN. [signed] Ed GRAVE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C. 140. R. 17. Edwd. GRAVE Atty. Law Charges 79 ~ 4 ~ 0 ——————- 30th. Novr. 1795. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sir John Chardin MUSGRAVE Bart. To Edward GRAVE Dr. STORY – } In Replevin als } Attending taking instructions and authority to } SOWERBY } defend } ~ 4 ~ 4 Entering appearance for Defendant at the County } Court and attendance } ~ 4 ~ 4 Motion at the County Court for time to avow till } next Court } ~ 5 ~ Paid for Order Copy and Service ~ 4 ~ Paid for Copy declaration ~ 2 ~ Instructions to my Agent for Re~ fac~ loc~ to } remove the Cause out of the County Court into } ~ 3 ~ 4 the Court of Kings Bench } Paid for Writ of Re~ fac~ loc~ ~ 12 ~ 6 Fee thereon ~ 3 ~ 4 Postage into the Country ~ 1 ~ 6 Motion at the County Court for reading and } return thereof } ~ 5 ~ Paid for return ~ 12 ~ 4 Postage to Agent ~ 2 ~ Paid for filing Re~ fac~ loc~ and return ~ 3 ~ 6 Easter Term 1795 Same } als } Same } In Trespass Paid for Copy Affidavits of Increase of Costs } in the Cause tried at the Assizes 1794 } ~ 6 ~ Attending taxing Costs ~ 6 ~ 8 Term fee ~ 5 ~ Letters ~ 4 ~ Attending paying the Costs ~ ~ ~ Trinity Term Same } als } In Replevin Same } Entering Appearance ~ 7 ~ 6 Paid for Declaration ~ 1 ~ 11 Copy sent fo: 3. ~ 1 ~ Searching if rule to plead given and when out ~ 3 ~ 4 Summons for time to avow Order Copy and Service ~ 11 ~ 4 Drawing Instructions for Avowry and Copy sent } Agent one Brief Sheet } ~ 10 ~ Copy depositions of Witnesses upon the Trial } last Year as further particulars two Brief Sheets } ~ 6 ~ 8 Drawing Avowry fo: 14 ~ 14 ~ Paid Mr. LOWNDES for settling same 1 1 ~ Attending him ~ 6 ~ 8 Copy Avowry sent ~ 4 ~ 8 Instructions to Serjeant to move to avows } several matters } ~ 2 ~ 6 Paid him ~ 10 ~ 6 Paid him to sign Avowry ~ 10 ~ 6 Attending him ~ 6 ~ 8 To bring Cessation [?] Summons for time to } avow several Matters on producing Serjeants } ~ 11 ~ 4 hand Order Copy and version } —————- £ 10 ~ 14 ~ 5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Brot. over £ 10 ~ 14 ~ 5 Paid for Rule to Avow several Matters ~ 7 ~ 6 Copy and Service ~ 2 ~ Impressing Avowry and Duty ~ 5 ~ Rule for Plaintiff to plead to Avowry Copy & Service ~ 2 ~ 6 Attending Plaintiffs Summons for time to plead } and Copy Order } ~ 4 ~ 4 Copy Plea sent fo: 40 ~ 13 ~ 4 Instructions for Replication ~ 3 ~ 4 Drawing same fo: 26 1 ~ 6 ~ Paid Mr. LOWNDES to settle same 1 ~ 1 ~ Attending him ~ 6 ~ 8 Copy sent with Opinion ~ 9 ~ 8 Paid Serjeant to sign same ~ 10 ~ 6 Attending him ~ 6 ~ 8 Ingressing Replication and Duty ~ 9 ~ 2 Plaintiff having put in Issue whether Sir } Philip was Tenant in Fee my Agent attending } at Messrs. COTES & WOODCOCKS to inspect } ~ 6 ~ 8 the Title Deeds of the Family when he found that } Sir Philip was only Tenant for life } Paid for Issue 3 ~ 2 ~ 9 Copy sent fo: 100 with Notice of Trial 1 ~14~ 4 Two Subpœna’s ~ 18 ~ Term fee ~ 5 ~ Letters ~ 4 ~ Attending taking Instructions for Brief ~ 6 ~ 8 Eight Copies of Subpœna’s ~ 8 ~ 1st. Augt. Attending to examine several Witnesses this day } at Carlisle by appointment with Mr. OLDMAN } ~ 13 ~ 4 Drawing Brief 15 Sheets 5 ~ ~ Three fair Copies thereof 7 ~10 ~ Service of Subpœna on Mr. GRAHAM at Newbiggin ~ 5 ~ Gave him with Subpœna ~ 10 ~ 6 Service of Subpœna on John THOMLINSON ~ 5 ~ Gave him with Subpœna ~ 1 ~ The like on Jonathan NICHOLSON ~ 6 ~ The like on Robert BEIGHET ~ 6 ~ The like on James SAWYER ~ 6 ~ The like on Thomas GLENDINING John } SEWELL Robert GRAHAM and John NIXON } 1 ~ 4 ~ Paid Mr. CHAMBRE with Brief 9 ~ 9 ~ His Clerk ~ 2 ~ 6 Attending him ~ 6 ~ 8 Mr. TOPPIN with Brief 5 ~ 5 ~ His Clerk ~ 2 ~ 6 Attending him ~ 6 ~ 8 Mr. LOWNDES with Brief 4 ~ 4 ~ His Clerk ~ 2 ~ 6 Attending him ~ 6 ~ 8 Mr. CHAMBRE on Consultation 2 ~ 2 ~ His Clerk ~ 7 ~ 6 Mr. TOPPIN on Consultation 1 ~ 1 ~ Mr. LOWNDES on Consultation 1 ~ 1 ~ Attending Consultation ~ 6 ~ 8 ———————- Carrd. over £ 65 ~ 10 ~ 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Brot. over £ 65 ~ 10 ~ 4 Paid Cryer ~ 8 ~ Paid Associate ~ 15 ~ Paid Marshall ~ 4 ~ Paid the following Witnesses for their Attendance vizt. John NIXON for attending three days at the Assizes ~ 10 ~ 6 John SEWELL ~ 7 ~ 6 Robert BEIGHET ~ 7 ~ 6 Robert GRAHAM ~ 7 ~ 6 Jonathan NICHOLSON ~ 7 ~ 6 James SAWYER ~ 2 ~ 6 William GASH ~ 7 ~ 6 Thomas GLENDINING 1 ~ 9 ~ Richard SEWELL ~ 2 ~ 6 John THOMLINSON ~ 17 ~ 4 Paid William CAIT Innkeeper his Bill for } Eating and Drinking of Witnesses at his House } 2 ~ 2 ~ 9 Solicitors and Clerks Attendance and } proportionate Share of Expences at the } 5 ~ 5 ~ Assizes four days } —————— £ 79 ~ 4 ~ 5 30th. Novr. 1795 By Cash of Mr. OLDMAN [signed] Ed GRAVE