1853 01 18 : Poor House Christmas Day dinner receipts

18 Jan 1853. POOR HOUSE CHRISTMAS DAY DINNER RECEIPTS. Neat and clean receipts. 1852. Sundry Persons Poor House Dinner Xmas Day £ s 1 Joseph TAYLOR Flour 26 St. @ 2s/2d 2 16 4 2 Sarah CARRICK Butcher 6 4 0 3 I. N. WATSON Grocer 3 4 2 4 Ino HARVEY & Co. Ale 1 0 0 5 Mathew ROBINSON 26 qts. Peas . 8 8 6 Joseph FENTON Butter, Apples 1 6 2 14 : 19 : 4 Present to Mr. SLEE 1 : 0 : 0 ——————————- £ 15 : 19 : 4 ============= January 18. 1853. Placed to Sir George MUSGRAVEs a/c Fifteen Pounds 19s/4d paid to Mr. SLEE as above being the Cost of a Dinner on Christmas Day to the inmates of the Penrith Union Poor House. [signed] L S DIXON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No. 1 Jos. TAYLOR Flour £ 2 : 16 : 4 —————————— January 18. 1853. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ S. Green Mill 1852 Sir G. MUSGROVE To J. TAYLOR Dr. Dec 20th.. £ . s . d 26 Ston flour 2/2 2 “ 16 “ 4 Settled January 25th [signed] Jos TAYLOR 1853 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No. 2. S. CARRICK Butcher £ 6 “ 4 “ 2 ——————————- January 18. 1853. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sir G. MUSGROVE Bart. 1852 Dr. to Sarah CARRICK s d Decr. 21st for Beef 213lb at 6d 5 6 6 “ “ Suet 35 at 6 17 6 ———————- £ 6 4 ~ ========= Settled Jan. 19th [signed] Thos CARRICK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No. 5 Mw. ROBINSON Peas £ – “ 8 “ 8 ——————————— Jan. 18. 1853. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1852 Sir G. MUSGRAV Bart To Mattw ROBINSON Dr Decr 24th To 26 qts Split pease S “ 8 8 ====== Jan 19 Settled [signed] M. ROBINSON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No. 6. Jos. FENTON Apples &c. £ 1 “ 6 “ 2 ——————————- January 18. 1853. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sir Geo. MUSGRAVE Bart To Jos. FENTON S d Decr. 24th. To 13 Hs [?] of Butter at 11d. 11 “ 11 To 19 Stoops [?] of Apples 9d 14 “ 3 ——————- £ 1 “ 6 “ 2 ——————- January 19 Settled [signed] E. FENTON