1828 08 01 : Solicitor’s account, Brusselton coal mines, Durham

01 Aug 1828. SOLICITOR’S ACCOUNT, BRUSSELTON COAL MINES, DURHAM. Neat and clean account and receipt. Sir Philip MUSGRAVE Bart. and Mr. John SHARP To Fras. MEWBURN Drs. 1826 Septr. Attending Mr. STOREY perusing very long instructions for a Lease of your coal mines at Brusselton and conferring with him thereon - 13 4 Drawing the above 10 Skins 10 10 - Attending Mr. STOREY with the Draft and afterwards attending him and perusing his alterations therein - 6 8 Ingrossing the Lease 9 - - Tax for Stamps and Parchment 21 - - —————— £ 38 10 - —————— One Moiety £ 19 5 0 ======= 31st. July 1828 Settled the above a/c for Frans MEWBURN [signed] Thos STOREY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 August 1828 Received of Sir Chr J. MUSGRAVE Bart the Executor of Sir P MUSGRAVE Bart deceased the sum of nineteen Pounds five shillings (by the payment of Mr L. S. DIXON) being the amount of one moiety of the annexed bill. £ 19 : 5 [signed] Fra: MEWBURN
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