1899 08 29 : Carlisle Guaranteed Manure Co. printed account

29 Aug 1899. CARLISLE GUARANTEED MANURE CO. PRINTED ACCOUNT. A neat and clean printed billhead / account with a Postage & Inland Revenue one-penny stamp. 8” x 10”. Hand written entries into this printed form are transcribed in italics. OFFICES. CARLISLE 18______ 32 English Street THE GUARANTEED MANURE COMPANY Act Sir R. G. MUSGRAVE Bart for Mr. J. DIXON, Hyde Park. Terms For Cash within 1 Month 5 Per Cent discount or Bill at 4 Months. ______________________________________ 1899 Bags Tons Cwts @ April 18 To Dissolved Bones Compound 1 15 5/9 £ 10 1 3 Received payment with thanks [signed] John P. STUBBS August 29 1899 for R. W. GOOLD & Co Carriage Paid to Station. Agent: - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [The reverse of the bill has a printed Table of Percentages, Conditions of Sale etc. At right angles across the print is handwritten:] 1899 August 29th. Allowances Guaranteed Manure Co £ 10 . 1 . 3 Hyde Park.