1690 08 09 : A debt release by William HUNTER, Durham

09 Aug 1690. A DEBT RELEASE BY WILLIAM HUNTER, DURHAM. A good fairly clean, readable document, although aged and grubby/dusty around the edges and folds. HUNTERs Release 29. Aug. 1690 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Know all men by these presents That I William HUNTER ye older of the Citye of Durham in the County of Durham Butcher Have Remitted Released & for ever quitt claimed And by these presents for me my heires Exrs & Admrs & every of us doe fully freely & absolutely Remitt Release & for ever quitt claim unto the Hon~ble Sir Christopher MUSGRAVE of Keepyer in the s~d county Knight & Baront. Edward EDEN of ye s~d Citye of Durham Grocer Nicholas PAXTON of ye same gent & Wm. PICKERING of Keepyer aforesd yeom~ All & all manner of accou~ & accou~s cause & causes of accou~s Bonds & bills Suites & Controversys claimes and demands whatsoever wch ag~t. them ye Sd Sir Christopher MUSGRAVE Edward EDEN Nicholas PAXTON & Wm. PICKERING or any of them Joyntly or Severally I now can or may have on w~ch hereafter I can or may have agt. them or any of them for or by Reason of any matter or thing from the beginning of the world unto ye day of ye date hereof. In witness whereof I have hereto sett my hand and seale this twenty Ninth day of August Anno D~ni 1690. Sealed & delivrd } [signed] William [seal] HUNTER in ye presence of } Robt: GRAY: Thos. TEASDAILE Bt: [?] WHARTON