1734 03 08 : Receipt for 21 bushels of oats

Update on Saturday, February 19, 2011 at 1:57PM by
Petra Mitchinson

08 Mar 1733/4. RECEIPT FOR 21 BUSHELS OF OATS. Bundle 25, Doc 36. 19 cm x 11 cm. John PEARS Rect~ for 21 bushill of Oats 3 6 6 8 march 1733/4 ——————- (1) Exr. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ March ye 8th / 1733/4 Recd of Mr Lancelot SIMPSON three pounds six shillings and sixpence for twenty one Bushill of oats at three shillings and two pence per Bushill Sold to Mr George GIBSON in march 1733 per me John PEARS ||| mark
GIBSON George,
SIMPSON Lancelot in