1734 01 12 : Blacksmith's account

12 Jan 1733/4. BLACKSMITH’S ACCOUNT. Bundle 19, Doc 1. 30 cm x 20 cm. One small edge tear. Jan~ry 12th. 1733/4 John IRELAND Receipt for Xbr. (2) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sr. Christopher MUSGRAVEs Bill for Decr. 1733 £. S. D. 1d. of Decembr. Black Mare four New Shoes 0 : 1 0 2d. Punsh four new Shoes 0 1 6 2d. For Splenter Bars mending 0 0 4 6d. BACON’s Horse 2 new Shoes & 2 Removes 0 0 8 7d. Gray Gallaway two new Shoes 0 0 6 8d. Gray Mare Two new Shoes & two removes 0 0 8 8d. A Coalrake made 0 0 4 8d. A Muckfork made 0 0 7 8d. Three Pennyworth of Nails 0 0 3 8d. A Crook made 0 0 1 8d. Ball one new Shoe 0 0 4 10d. Two Bolts for a Plough 0 0 2 11d. Mr. SYMPSON’s Black mare 4 new shoes 0 1 4 11d. For a Plough Band of my Iron 0 1 2 13d. For Weof Horse 4 New Shoes 0 1 4 13d. 6 Pennyworth of Nails 0 0 6 14d. For a Coalrake made 0 0 4 15d. For Ball Three new Shoes 0 1 0 15d. S Eight thin Pins 0 0 2 17d. For a Coulter Lying 2 Pound of my Iron 0 1 5 17d. Two Pair of Hames mending 0 0 4 17d. For Spade mending 0 0 6 17d. For BAKINs Horse . . one new Shoe 0 0 3 17d. For Mr. SYMPSON’s Horse two Removes 0 0 2 21d. For Black Bird . . four new Shoes 0 1 6 22d For Squrrel … four new Shoes 0 1 6 22d For Toby . 4 New Shoes 0 1 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ £. S. D. 24d For Button four New Shoes 0 1 6 24d For ten Sheckles made 0 0 10 24d For a Chafin Dish mending 0 : 0 5 24d Diomond 4 new Shoes 0 : 1 6 24d For a Peal made for the Oven 0 0 6 26d. Black Mare two new Shoes & 2 Removes 0 : 0 8 27 Chesnut Gallaway 4 Removes 0 : 0 4 27d Gray Gallaway two new Shoes 0 0 6 27d A Pair of Wheels Binding 0 8 11 For ten Stone & ten Pound of Iron at two Shillings & five pence per Stone 1 - 5 - 9 —————— Totall 2 - 19 - 9 —————— Januray 12th. 1733/4 Rec~d from Sr. Chrisr. MUSGRAVE per Will~ LEWTHWAITE two pounds Nineteen shillings & 9d. in full for the Bill for Decr. 1733 per [signed] John IRELAND
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