1734 03 21 : Receipt for a jackass

21 Mar 1733/4. RECEIPT FOR A JACKASS. Bundle 32, Doc 5. 16 cm x 10 cm. The incomplete listing of agistment cattle on the back appears to have nothing to do with the receipt. March 21t. 1733/4 Receipt for Jack Ass (10) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ March 21t. 1733/4 Rec~d from Sr. Christ. MUSGRAVE per William LEWTHWAITE Sixteen shillings for A Jack Ass per John PROCTOR his b Mrk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Charles HOW 1 Calf in By } –– 3 – 6 Bramarey } John STEEL John COOKSON [?] 2 Calves } in Baramarey } –– 7 – 0 Christ.