1734 03 21 : Pay receipt for repairing stone wall

21 Mar 1733/4. PAY RECEIPT FOR REPAIRING STONE WALL. Bundle 28, Doc 10. 19.5 cm x 10.5 cm. Docs 1-12 were folded together and appear all to be payments made in Westmorland. 21 March 17334 Recd. of Sr. Chr: MUSGRAVE Barrt. from the hands of Thos. RUDD six shill~s. & six pence for repairing & rigging with Turf .. 43 Roods of stone wall – belonging to Barns Close & part in Birkett pasture next the Fell £ 0 : 6 : 6 .. Recd. by us Geo KEASLEY | . Peter HOOPS P