1733 10 08 : Smith's account, and a list of women

08 Oct 1733. SMITH’S ACCOUNT, AND A LIST OF WOMEN. Bundle 22, Doc 2. 20 cm x 11 cm. The list of women’s names on the back appears to have nothing to do with the smith’s account and receipt. October 8th. 1733 John JENNINGS Receipt (2) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ March 30 1733 Work done to Sr Cristopher MUSGROVE by Jno JENNINGS For one sugar ax 0 – 2 – 6 one sword scabert 0 – 2 – 0 Cleaning ye sword and mounting 0 – 1 – 0 one new hammer to Mr MUSGROVE Gun – 1 – 6 —————- £ 0 – 7 – 0 October 8th. 1733 Rec~d from Sr. Christ. MUSGROVE per William LEWTHWAITE the Sum of Seaven shillings in full of this & all other acctts – per [signed] Jno: JENNINGS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Frances BARNES Elizth LOUGH Hannah HINDSON Ann CASTLEHOW Hannah TALKS [?] Robt. ROBSON wife Sarah COOK Mary SMITH Ann IRELAND