1733 09 11 : Receipt from William LEWTHWAITE and memorandum

11 Sep 1733. RECEIPT FROM WILLIAM LEWTHWAITE AND MEMORANDUM. Bundle 21, Doc 7. 9.5 x 3.5 cm. The memorandum on the back looks as if the bottom has been cut off. Mr. LEWTHWT 5 : 5 : 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sepr. 11th. 1733 Exr. Rec~d from Mr. Lancelot SIMPSON five Guineas per [signed] Will~ LEWTHWAITE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ memorandums Tho: HUCHINSON of little musgrave has made a wicket out of this Grounds into ye Hoaning [?] & how long it has been made } } both made Do Tho: SCOT of Great musgrave Do } this log [?]
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