1733 12 26 : Account for repairing Goldington Hall in Appleby

26 Dec 1733. ACCOUNT FOR REPAIRING GOLDINGTON HALL IN APPLEBY. Bundle 28, Doc 31. Large sheet 38 cm x 32 cm, folded in half to make four pages, containing the accounts on the two inner pages, with a couple of small holes. And a small piece of paper 19 cm x 10 cm containing the receipt, folded into the account. Mr Francis HARYSONs Bill for Repaireing Goolding ton Hall –––––––––––––––– and Rect. –––––––––––– ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (14) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An Acct. of ye Charges Laid out for Repairs of Goullington Hall 1732 & 1733 1732 May 31 Paid Edwrd. BALIFE for Thatching & Serving } Graving of Turff & Leading & Strow &c } 0 9 4 Dito George WILKINSON for 14 threave of Strow 0 12 10 Do Thos. SHAW for Poor Sess 0 0 9 Do Lanct. HARRISON for one day Hedgeing 0 0 8 Do Willm. SAVIGE for Bellingham Rent 0 4 0 Do Lanct. MUNKHOUSE Land Tax 0 0 5 Do Richrd. OUTHWATE for puling up Some Spares 0 0 3 1733 Paid Richrd. OUTHWATE for gitting Stones for } Repairing of ye Barn wall } 0 12 0 for victles for workmen 12 days & ale 6d 0 5 6 Do 2 Horses Hay 3 Nights & at Noon 0 3 6 A Bushle of Oats 0 3 4 7br 8 for thatching 7 days at 1s per day 0 7 0 Do for Sarving of Thatcher 7 days & graving of Turff 0 4 8 Do for 24 threave of Wheat Strow at 1s per threave 1 4 0 Do man & Horse &c for leading Strow & Turff 2 days 0 2 4 Do Thos. HUDART for Plastering & Whitening & } Mending ye Windows } 0 7 9 Do James PARKIN for a board Nales & work 0 2 4 Do for Lime 0 1 6 Do John BOWNESS for Mending Locks & Nales a bare } for a Grate & other work } 0 5 8 Men when fetchd Coles in ale 0 0 4 —————- Total Laid out 5 8 2 ======= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rents Recd. for Goulington Hall &c £ S D June 2 1732 Recd. of Ino. GREGSON for oneHalf year Rent } for ye High End of ye House Due at Whitsontide } 0 10 0 Last } 8br 3 1732 Recd. of Richrd. LING for Half year Rent for } Low Parlor & Shope Due at Penticost last } 0 7 0 Febry. 19th 1732 Recd. of Willm. HENDERSON a whole year } Rent for ye Garth Due at Candlemass last } 0 15 0 March 23rd: 1733 Recd. of James BRADLAY for ye Use of } John GREGSON one Half year Rent for ye } 0 10 0 High End of House Due at Martinmas last } May 15 1733 Recd. of Ann LOWTHER one years Rent } for low Parlor Due at Whitsontide last } 0 15 0 Xber 9th Recd. of Henry SOWLEY one Half year Rent } of Houses & Garth &c Due at Martinmas last } 1 12 6 —————- Total Recd. 4 9 6 John GREGSON in Arrear Half a year Rent Due at Whitsontide 1733 0 10 0 —————- Total 4 19 6 ======= Total Laid out 5 8 2 Do Recd. 4 9 6 —————- Sr Chrsr. Dr to Mr HARSN. 0 18 8 ======= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mr Francis HARYSONs Rect. for Gooldington Hall repaires Decr: 26 / 1733 5 : 8 : 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Decr. 26 / 1733 / Recd. of Sr Christr: MUSGRAVE by ye Hands of Lan SIMPSON five pounds Eight shillings & two pence in full for ye repaireing of ————— Gooldington Hall per me 5 : 8 : 2 [signed] Francis HARRISON —————