1732 10 21 : Herd's wages receipt

Update on Thursday, February 17, 2011 at 5:07PM by
Petra Mitchinson

21 Oct 1732. HERD’S WAGES RECEIPT. Bundle 17, Doc 17. 18 cm x 8 cm. Doc 17 was folded into Doc 16, and Doc 18 was folded into Doc 17. 21th Octr. 1732 Recd. of Sr. Chr MUSGRAVE Barrt. by Thos. RUDD three Shill~s. & sixpence heird wages for Lakah & Birkett gatts Lakah 10 & Birkett 4 £ 0 : 3 : 6 Recd by me [signed] Henery SMALLMO~
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