1733 10 01 : Housekeeper's expenses account for September

01 Oct 1733. HOUSEKEEPER’S EXPENSES ACCOUNT FOR SEPTEMBER. Bundle 23, Doc 4. 19.5 cm x 15.5 cm. Lower part crumpled. Some damp staining and edge tears. Mrs INGLISH’s House Bill for Septr: 1733 / £ 7 : 13 : 5 ½ ye 1 Octr: (1) Exr. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Septr: ye 3 / 1733 / 2 : 12 : 7 Do the 10 2 4 3 Do the 17 1 : 1 : 9 Do the 24 1 2 10½ ———————- Totall House Book 7 : 10 : 5½ Pd for weaveing 32 yds Hugaback 0 12 – ———————- 7 : 13 : 6½ ———————- [signed] Mary INGLISH

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