1733 12 05 : Disbursements account for Old Park, Kirkoswald
05 Dec 1733. DISBURSEMENTS ACCOUNT FOR OLD PARK, KIRKOSWALD. Bundle 20, Doc 1. 29 cm x 16.5 cm. Several small tears and holes at edges and in file folds. Docs 2-11 are receipts for items on Doc 1 and were folded together and wrapped inside Doc 1. John HUTTONs Disbursmts for old Park at Kirkoswald Decr: 5 1733 for 5. 11 5 (5) Exd ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ John HUTTONs. Disbursments for the mannor of Kirkoswall for the year 1732 & 1733 for Sr. Chr. 13th March pd to Thos. WHARTON for 12 days hedging } at old parks } 0 : 7 : 0 pd to Wm LASONBY poor sess for old parks 1 : 2 : 6 15th Aprill pd to Wm LASONBY for 4 Quarts of tarr for } marking the sheep at old park } 0 : 1 : 6 24th June pd to TRELKETT for attending the Commition } at Alston 4 days } 0 : 4 : 0 29th pd to Eliz: SMITH for 5 great Quarts of tarr } for marking sheep att Kirkoswald } 0 : 1 : 10 24th pd to Joseph LOUTHONG for attending the } Commition att Alston 5 days } 0 : 5 : 0 25 Decr pd to Jonathan LOUTHONG for Church sess } for the old park } 0 : 3 : 9 29 Augt. pd to Wm. VARTIE for mowing & getting } one Close of Hay att old park } 0 : 18 : 0 25 March } pd to Joseph SMITH 9 purvays ½ for Land } 1733 } Tax for old park } 0 : 6 : 8½ 29th May pd to John VARTIE for Heirding & hedgeing } the old park } 1 : 4 : 6 30th July pd to Eliz: SMITH for Lath & nails for } Mains House att Kirkoswald } 0 : 5 : 2 midsomner 1732 John HUTTON for washing } the sheep att Kirkoswald } 0 : 2 : 3 Ditto. for Clepping the sheep att Ditto 0 : 6 : 5 to Ditto Calling the graseing att old } park att 4 differant pleaces } 0 : 0 : 8 Ditto for Bringing the Lambs to Edenhall 0 : 0 : 6 pd to Thos. RICHARDSON Kitt [?] WILLSON } Cunstable sess for old park for 1731 & 1732 } 0 : 2 : 1½ ——————— 5 : 11 : 5 Descr: ye 5/1739 Recd from Sr Chris~r MUSGRAVE Barrt by ye hand of Lan: SIMPSON ye full Contents of this Bill per [signed] John HUTTON
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