1733 11 12 : Thomas HARRISON's board wages receipt

12 Nov 1733. THOMAS HARRISON’S BOARD WAGES RECEIPT. Bundle 25, Doc 15. 12 cm x 8 cm. Novr: ye 12 / 1733 Tho: STIVENSONs Rect for Tho: HARISONs ½ years Bord wages due marts: 1733 £ 2 : 7 : 6 —————————————— (16.) Exr. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sepr 12th. 1733 Rec~d from Sr. Chrisr. MUSGRAVE of Mr. Lancelot SIMPSON the Sum of two pounds Seaven shillings & Sixpence in full for one half Years Board wages for Thomas HARRISON per [signed] Thom: STEPHENSON
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