1733 12 10 : Pay receipt for collecting Staffield rents

10 Dec 1733. PAY RECEIPT FOR COLLECTING STAFFIELD RENTS. Bundle 20, Doc 21. 16.5 cm x 8.5 cm. Greenhew was the vernacular term in Cumbria for Vert, the right to cut green wood. Mr MORESBYs Rect for Collecting Staffell Rents due marts 1733 Desr: 10th 1733 £ 0 5 – (12) Exr ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Decbr. the 10th. – 1733 Recd. of Mr SIMPSON the } s Sum~ of five Shillings for Collecting Staffield } 5 Rents and Green hews per me } [signed] Josh. MORESBY

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