1733 10 04 : Receipt for communicant money

04 Oct 1733. RECEIPT FOR COMMUNICANT MONEY. Bundle 23, Doc 14. 18 cm x 7.5 cm. A bit grubby with a small pinhole. October 4th. 1733 Receipt for Communicants 2/6 (14) Exr ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sr. Christopher MUSGRAVE The Lady MUSGRAVE Miss Julian MUSGRAVE Mr. Lanty SYMPSON Mr. Wm. LEWTHAT Mr. Chr. DOBSON Mrs. ENGLISH. Margaret NOBLE. The French Gentlewom~ Molly. Margaret DAWSON Sarah JACKSON. Ann HODGIN. The Kitchin Maid. John HUDSON. Jos: FRANKLIN. Cuddy GATELIN. John BOULT [?] Thos. HODGIN. Jonathan MOUGHAM. Thos. HARRISON. Thos. DAWSON. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ October 4th. 1733 Rec~d from Sr Christ. MUSGRAVE per Mr. Lancelot SIMPSON the Sum of two shillings 6d as the Contents within per [signed] William JO*SON [signed] Thom: STEPHENSON