1734 04 09 : Blacksmith's account

09 Apr 1734. BLACKSMITH’S ACCOUNT. Bundle 27, Doc 5. Two pieces of paper: An outer wrapping just bearing the steward’s summary 19.5 cm x 15.5 cm, and the actual bill 33 cm x 20 cm. March Aprill 9th. 1734 John IRELANDs Receipt (1) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sr. Christopher MUSGRAVEs March 1d. £ S D 4d Two Dozen of Harrow teeh Sharping & 2doz. made 0 1 4 4d. 4 Dozen Sharping 0 0 8 4d for Splinter Bars 6d for a Staple 0 0 2 6d for two pair of Chains mending 0 0 4 6d for ten Pound of Iron laid on a Coulter 0 0 10 6d for a Sock throngking [?] 0 0 2 7d for the Weef Horse 4 new Shoes 0 1 4 7d for Diamond one New Shoe 0 0 4½ 8d. for two Bands & two Crooks for the Park 0 2 0 8d. for a flesh fork & a Pan Mending for ye. Kitch~ 0 0 3 8d. for a Latch and a Ring for a Door 0 0 2 9d. Young Pea four New Shoes 0 1 4 9d. Old Ball four New Shoes 0 1 4 10d. for Punch four New Shoes 0 1 6 10d. for Toby Four new Shoes 0 1 6 11d. Mr. SYMPSONs Horse . four new Shoes 0 1 . 11d. for two Loops & a Staple made 0 0 2 13d. Black Mare four Removes 0 0 4 13d. for Watt four new Shoes 0 1 6 13d. for Sixteen Crooks for the Garden 0 0 9 14d. for a Laddle Shank making 0 0 6 14d. Ten Crooks for the Garden 0 0 3 14d. for a fire Shovel made for the lead 0 0 9 15d. for Nails made for Wheels 0 1 6 16d. two hoops made for a wheel 0 0 6 16d. for a Lock mending 0 0 3 16d. for a Handle & a Latch and two Staples 0 0 6 18d for Weef Horse one Remove 0 0 1 18d. for one Hundred and thirty Nails 0 1 5 18d. for Six Bands and Six Crooks made for ye. Park 0 1 3 18d. for a Team Mending 0 0 3 —————— 1 – 4 – 3½ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ £ S D 18d. two Bands & two Crooks for the Park 0 0 6 18d. one pennyworth of Nails 0 0 1 18d. Mr. SYMPSONs Mare 4 Removes 0 0 4 18d. MORGINs Horse 2 new Shoes & two Removes 0 0 8 20d. two Hoops for a Pair of Wheels 0 0 6 20d. two Staples & Hesp for a Door 0 0 3 20d. one Pennyworth of Nails 0 0 1 20d Ches-nutt Gallaway four Removes 0 0 4 20d Button one three Removes. 0 0 4½ 20d Diamond one Remove. 0 0 1½ 20d. for Six Wall Hooks 0 0 4 21d. for Six hooks for the Garden 0 0 6 21d. for five hooks for the Garden 0 0 7 22d. Six Wall hooks made 0 0 6 22d. for Gray Stagg four new Shoes. 0 1 0 22d. for two teams mending & a Plough band 0 0 5 24 for a Crook made for a Gate 0 0 4 24 a Hookmade for a Sith 0 0 2 25 Black Mare one New Shoe & one Rem~. 0 0 4 25 two Staples made 0 0 3 26. for a Loop and a Crook of my Iron. 0 0 8 28d. for Diamond three new Shoes. 0 1 2½ 28d. Button one Remove 0 0 1½ 28d. a Plate made for a Cart. 0 0 2 28d. for a Muck fork made 0 2 0 28d. two Bolts for a Gate 0 0 2 ——————- – 11 11 Bt. over 1 4 3½ ——————- 1 16 2½ Aprill 9th. 1734 Rec~d from Sr. Christ. MUSGRAVE per William LEWTHWAITE one pound Sixteen shillings & 2d½ in full of this Bill per [signed] John IRELAND
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