1733 10 04 : A receipt from Whitehaven

Update on Friday, February 18, 2011 at 10:23PM by
Petra Mitchinson

04 Oct 1733. A RECEIPT FROM WHITEHAVEN. Bundle 23, Doc 9. 22.5 cm x 9 cm. Two large tears. Mr Wm GALE’s Rect for 9 : 6 . 9 –– Octr: ye 4 –– (11) Exr ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whitehaven Octbr. 4th. 1733 –– Recd. from Sir Chr: MUSGRAVE Bartt: by the hand of Jas [or Jos?] LOWDEN Carrier nine pounds Six Shillings and nine pence in full Balle. of all Accts. Wittness [signed] Matts. & Wm GALE