1734 02 26 : Receipt for 42 bushels of malt

26 Feb 1733/4. RECEIPT FOR 42 BUSHELS OF MALT. Bundle 26, Doc 5. 18 cm x 13.5 cm. It seems a torn off part of a letter was used for this receipt as there is part of an address on the back plus a small round post mark with the letters “FE” and at one edge some colour specks from a red seal. Feb: 26th. 1733 Mr. BROWNs Receipt (7) Febry. Vouchers 173¾ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Received Febry the 26th 1733 of Sr. } Christopher MUSGRAVE by the } Hands Mr Willm. LEWTHWAITE } £ s the Sum of twelve Pounds } 12 – 12 twelve Shilings in full for } forty two Bushels of Malt } and all Demands per [signed] John BROWN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To Mr. John LEETHUTT att the [ ] In [ ] Morpeth Here [?]
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