1733 12 04 : Highway sess receipt for Penrith demesne

04 Dec 1733. HIGHWAY SESS RECEIPT FOR PENRITH DEMESNE. Bundle 20, Doc 13. 19.5 cm x 10 cm. Lan: HALL & John BLEWMYRs Rect for Highway scess for Penreth Desr: 4, 1733 £ 0 9 : 4 (3) Exr. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Descemr ye 4 / 1733 Recd. of Sr Chrisr. MUSGRAVE by ye hands of Lancelot SIMPSON Nine Shillings and four pencce for one years highways scess for ye Demesen Lands in Penreth per [signed] John BLEMYRES [signed] Lanct HALL