1734 03 13 : Account for Blackhall small rents

13 Mar 1733/4. ACCOUNT FOR BLACKHALL SMALL RENTS. Bundle 25, Doc 37. 20.5 cm x 12 cm. Mr PATTINSONs Rect for small rents out of Blackhall March ye 13th / 1733/4 2 : 1 : 6 (6) Exr ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ March ye 13th / 1733/4 Pd Mr John PATTINSON of Carlisle sockige } Rent for Blackhall Demisen Due michs 1733 } : 19 : 4 Pd Ditto PATTINSON for Cornage Rent for } Ditto Due Ditto } –– 4 : 6 Pd Ditto PATTINSON for Turn money for Ditto} Due Ditto } –– 4 : 4 Pd Ditto PATTINSON his fee Due Ditto 13 : 4 —————— 02 : 1 : 6 March ye 13th / 1733/4 Recd ye Contents of this bill from Sr Christr: MUSGRAVE by ye Hands of Lancelot SIMPSON per me [signed] Ino PATTINSON
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