1808 08 09 : Letter of receipt from London bank for £1800

09 Aug 1808. LETTER OF RECEIPT FROM LONDON BANK FOR £1800. Bundle 64, Doc 16. 37 cm x 22.5 cm, folded in half to make four pages. The two middle pages are blank. Remains of a red seal with small holes where it was torn open. C 21 R 153 Sir P. MUSGRAVE 1800 . 0 . 0 Augst. 5th. 1808. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [Round postmark:] A . AU . 9 808 Revd Joseph BRISCO Eden Hall Penrith —————————- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ London 9 August 1808. Sir, We have received your favor of 6 Instant inclosing a Bill value Eighteen Hundred pounds for the credit of the Guardians of Sir Philip MUSGRAVE Bart We remain Sir Your most obedient Servants [signed] Thos. WRIGHT & Co. 1800 GLYNN & Co Revd Jos BRISCO