1816 08 15 : Account for repairing walls on Soulby Mask

15 Aug 1816. ACCOUNT FOR REPAIRING WALLS ON SOULBY MASK. Bundle 65, Doc 79. 17 cm x 10 cm. Docs 71-79 were wrapped inside Doc 70 and represent the individual items of the account in Doc 70. No 9 Frank BUCKELL Soulby Mask Walls repairing s 8/9 —————————————————- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1816 August the 15th Sir Philip MUSGRAVE Bart To Frank BUCKIL Dr To 3½ days self Walling and repaing Fence on Soulby Mask adjoyning the Road at 2s – 6d per day 0£ – 8s – 9d Recd of Mr DIXON by the payment of Robt LONGSTAFF the above account by me [signed] frnk BUCKELL