1899 08 16 : Sarah SPENCE's pension receipt

16 Aug 1899. SARAH SPENCE’S PENSION RECEIPT. Bundle 66, Doc 34. 20.5 cm x 12.5 cm. Postage and Inland Revenue one penny stamp. Hand written entries into this printed form are transcribed in italics. Sarah SPENCE was the housekeeper at Eden Hall in the 1891 census. 1899 August 16th. Pensions. Sarah SPENCE £ 5 . 0 . 0 . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ESTATE OFFICE, Edenhall, 16th August 1899. Received from SIR R. G. MUSGRAVE, Bart., per PETER LOCKHART, the sum of Five pounds being one quarter’s pension due me at this date £ 5 – 0 – 0 [signed] Sarah SPENCE
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