1808 06 14 : Account and receipt for flagging the portico

14 Jun 1808. ACCOUNT AND RECEIPT FOR FLAGGING THE PORTICO. Bundle 64, Docs 98 and 99. They were next to each other and clearly belong together. Bundle 64, Doc 98. 21 cm x 9 cm. Impressed two pence duty stamp. C 19 R 116 Robt. BURROW 2 . 15 . 4 14th. June 1808 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ June 14th. 1808 Recd. of the Guardians of Sir Philip MUSGRAVE Bart. two pounds fifteen shillings & four pence for flagging the portico before the Hall I say received the above by payment of Joseph BRISCO by me [signed] Robt. BURROW ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bundle 64, Doc 99. 16 cm x 12.5 cm. Lady MUSGRAVE to Robt BURROW ––– 1808 .. To flagging Portico & filling up pudle [?] Holes 28th May 11 Days at …… 3/6 1 ~ 18 ~ 6 30th ………. 3 Days … at … 3/6 ~ 10 ~ 6 19. fire Bricks at 4d ~ 6 ~ 4 ——————- 2 ~ 15 ~ 4 ——————- June 14th. 1808 Recd. of the Guardians of Sir Philip MUSGRAVE Bart. by payment of Joseph BRISCO two pounds fifteen shillings & four pence