1808 07 01 : Jonathan COLLIN's property tax receipt at Soulby

01 Jul 1808. JONATHAN COLLIN’S PROPERTY TAX RECEIPT AT SOULBY. Bundle 64, Doc 5. 20.5 cm x 8.5 cm. Impressed two pence duty stamp. Docs 2-13 were wrapped inside Doc 1 and represent individual items of the account in Doc 1 and similar expenses. Jona COLLIN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Recevid of Jonathan COLLIN four Pounds two four Shillings for Sir Philop MUSGRAVE Baranett for Property Tax at Soulby July 1th. 1808 –––––––––– by Me [signed] Jos DAVIDSON £ 4 ~ 2 ~ 0 [pencilled calculations:] 21 4 . 2 27 4 2 . 2 26 . 10 ———— ————- 27 . 4 … 14
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