1808 06 10 : Income tax account for Soulby mill

10 Jun 1808. INCOME TAX ACCOUNT FOR SOULBY MILL. Bundle 64, Doc 3. 19.5 cm x 11.5 cm. Docs 2-13 were wrapped inside Doc 1 and represent individual items of the account in Doc 1 and similar expenses. Mattw. DAWSON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ October 8th. 1807 Paid to Jonathan COLLIN for Income Tax for Soulby Mill & Land £ 1 ~ 4 ~ 0 June 10th. 1808 Paid to Jonathan TAYLOR for Income Tax for Soulby Mill 1 ~ 4 ~ 0 ———————- Totle £ 2 ~ 8 ~ 0 ———————- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 . 4 5 . 2 ——— 6 . 6

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