1808 06 22 : Account for repairing hedge at Heaning plantation

22 Jun 1808. ACCOUNT FOR REPAIRING HEDGE AT HEANING PLANTATION. Bundle 64, Doc 45. 16 cm x 10 cm. Docs 38-45 were wrapped inside Doc 37 and are some of the individual payments listed in the petty bills account in Doc 37. C R Jno. RAILTON Plantatn. Hedge 0 . 7 . 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the guardins of Sir Philip MUSGRAVE Bart to John RAILTON Dr for repairing the fences of Heaning plantation 3 days at 2s – 6d 0£ – 7s – 6d 1808 June the 22d Recd of Mr BRESCO the above bill by me [signed] John RAILTON
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