1808 09 11 : Property tax receipt on Brough turnpike road

Update on Saturday, October 8, 2011 at 11:28AM by
Petra Mitchinson

11 Sep 1808. PROPERTY TAX RECEIPT ON BROUGH TURNPIKE ROAD. Bundle 64, Doc 71. 16.5 cm x 5 cm. C 23 R 167 Thos. HARRISON tur~pike property tax 0 . 4 . 0 Septr. 11th. 1808. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Septr. 11th. 1808 Placed to the acct. of the Guardians of Sir Philip MUSGRAVE Bart. four shillings being property tax on two pounds interest on the Brough turnpike road which was this day paid by me [signed] Joseph BRISCO