1817 02 06 : Repairs account for WALKER's farm at West Thickley

06 Feb 1817. REPAIRS ACCOUNT FOR WALKER’S FARM AT WEST THICKLEY. Bundle 65, Doc 49. 19.5 cm x 16 cm. Small holes and tears along file fold. Docs 50-52 were wrapped inside Doc 49 and are three of the bills referred to in the account of Doc 49. The fourth was sold on eBay. C 145 R 79 Sundry persons West Thickley, ‘WALKERs’ repairs £ 8 ~ 9 ~ 7 —————————————————————— Feby 6 . 1817 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sundry persons repairing West Thickley ‘WALKER’s’ Farm —————————————————————- £ s d No. 1 –– Daniel IVESON, Lime – “ 15 “ 0 No. 2 –– George PICKERING, carpenter – “ 14 “ 11 No. 3 – – Thomas GIBBON, mason 3 “ 15 “ 0 No. 4 –– William BROWN, Tiles &c 3 “ 4 “ 8 ——————— £ 8 “ 9 “ 7 ======== February 6th. 1817 Placed to Sir Philip MUSGRAVE’s account, Eight Pounds Nine shillings & seven pence paid the above persons as per bills annexed [signed] L S DIXON
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