1808 08 31 : Innkeeper's account

31 Aug 1808. INNKEEPER’S ACCOUNT. Bundle 64, Doc 68. 10.5 cm x 8.5 cm. Mary JEFFERSON was the innkeeper at the “George and Dragon” in Kirkoswald. C 21 R 164 Mary JEFFERSON Sundries 1 . 10 . 11 31st. Augst. 1808. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ale to the wood 0 “ 6 “ 11 Ale to the Bark 0 “ 6 “ 0 Do 0 “ 4 “ 0 Dinner & Ale 0 “ 7 “ 0 Chevers [?] 0 “ 6 “ 0 —————— £ 1 “ 9 “ 11 ======= Ale 1 0 —————— Augst. 31st. 1808 1 10 . 11 Paid this bill [signed] J BRISCO.