1817 02 06 : Account for draining and hedging Brusselton Wood

06 Feb 1817. ACCOUNT FOR DRAINING AND HEDGING BRUSSELTON WOOD. Bundle 65, Doc 48. 17.5 cm x 8 cm. C 145 R 76 Thos WALDON Brussleton Wood Hedge &c £ 5 ~ 3 ~ 0 ————————————————— Feby 6th. 1817 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sir Philip MUSGRAVE Bart. To Thos. WALDON 1816 Sep. 18 To Cash paid to Wm. ATKINSON for Draining } £ s d 61 Roods at 1s/ per rood } 3 ~ 1 ~ 0 To Hedgeing the Wood 2 ~ 2 ~ 0 —————- £ 5 ~ 3 ~ 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 100 5 . 3 10 . 0 . 1 . 13 . 4 ——————- = 16 . 16 . 4 16 16 . 4 ——————— 83 ~ 3 ~ 8
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