1816 12 21 : Edenhall labourers' wages account

21 Dec 1816. EDENHALL LABOURERS’ WAGES ACCOUNT. Bundle 65, Doc 21. 21 cm x 16.5 cm. C 141 R 34 L. S. DIXON Edenhall Labourers £ 13 ~ 11 ~ 2 ———————————- Decbr. 21st. 1816 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Labourers from the 9th. till the 21st. of December 1816 Labourers Names No of Days Price pr Day Wages £ s d 1 John PUGMIRE 12 3/- paid 1 16 0 2 Jas. TODD 12 2/6 paid 1 10 0 3 John WOOF 12 2/6 paid 1 10 0 4 John HARRISON 12 2/6 paid 1 10 0 5 Barnd. BRADY 12 2/6 paid 1 10 0 6 Hugh GILL 10 2/6 paid 1 5 0 7 Jona. HOLMES 12 2/6 paid 1 10 0 8 John HOLMES 12 2/6 paid 1 10 0 9 Joseph PUGMIRE 5 -/10 paid – 4 2 10 John LEE from 7th Inst. 13 2/- paid 1 6 0 £ 13 11 2 ———————- 1816 December 21st. Placed to account of Sir Philip MUSGRAVE Bart. Thirteen Pounds Eleven shillings & two pence paid for wages as above by me [signed] L S DIXON