1816 11 27 : Expenses receipt for valuing Westward allotment

27 Nov 1816. EXPENSES RECEIPT FOR VALUING WESTWARD ALLOTMENT. Bundle 65, Doc 10. 16 cm x 7 cm. 2 small holes. The agent wrote the wrong year on the steward’s summary for several consecutive receipts. C 141 R 13 L S DIXON, valuing Westward allotment 15/– ————————————- Nov 27. 1817 [sic] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Placed Nov 27. 1817 [sic] to account of Sir Philip MUSGRAVE Bart: Fifteen shillings paid for expenses of Mr RICHARDSON & self valuing the allotment set out on Westward Common in lieu of the Tythes Parish ————— – 15s/– [signed] L S DIXON
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