1816 12 31 : Riddle maker's account

31 Dec 1816. RIDDLE MAKER’S ACCOUNT. Bundle 65, Doc 25. Two pieces of paper. The outer measures 12.5 cm x 11.5 cm and contains the steward’s summary. The inner measuring 12 cm x 7.5 cm has another steward’s summary on one side and the account on the other. The agent wrote the wrong year on the steward’s summary for several consecutive receipts. C 143 R 44 Jos. HORSELEY Corn Ridle &c 9s/- ——————————- Decbr. 31. 1817 [sic] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No. 2 Jos. HORSELEY Riddle maker 9s/- —————————— Decbr 31. 1816 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Decbr. 28th. 1816 Sir Phillip MUSGRAVE Bart. to Jos: HORSLEY a seive 3 . 6 to Barley Ridle 2 . 9 to wide Ridle 2 – 9 ——— 9 – 0 Decbr. 31st. 1816 Settled [signed] Jos: HORSLEY
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