1808 07 28 : Account for property tax

28 Jul 1808. ACCOUNT FOR PROPERTY TAX. Bundle 64, Doc 47. 20 cm x 16.5 cm. C R Sir P MUSGRAVE Property Tax 55 . 6 . 10 July 28th. 1808 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sir Philip MUSGRAVE Bart. To Collectors of Property tax Dr. For Land in hand 22 . 2 . 9 For Tythes 13 . 2 . 2 For fines 18 . 0 . 0 J BRISCO’s House & garden ~ 9 . 3 Simon DUGLAS’s 10 . 0 Jos: HETHERINGTON 5 . 0 Thos. STEPHENSON 17 . 8 ——————— 55 . 6 . 10 July 28th. 1808. Recd. of Sir P. MUSGRAVE Bart. by payment of J BRISCO fifty five pounds six shillings & ten pence for the above property tax by me [signed] David HILL
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