1808 08 16 : Two carrier's accounts

16 Aug 1808. TWO CARRIER’S ACCOUNTS. Bundle 64, Docs 65 and 66. Doc 66 was wrapped inside Doc 65, and the steward’s summary on Doc 65 states the sum total of both accounts. Both Docs a bit crumpled. Bundle 64, Doc 65. 17 cm x 8.5 cm. C 21 R 160 Isaac HOLMES Carrier 3 . 11 . 0 16th. Augst. 1808. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lady MUSGRAVE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lady MUSGRAVE Dr to Isaac HOLMES 1808 Augt: 16 To 2 Trunks [?] 22 6 2 “ 19 “ 9 “ Settld 2 “ 19 “ 9 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bundle 64, Doc 66. 19 cm x 6 cm. Revd Mr BRISCO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Revd Mr BRISCO Dr to Isaac HOLMES 1808 May 26 To 2 Boxs 47 11 3 Augt 16 Settld the above [signed] Joseph MANDER [?]